Clinic Services

Spinal Check

A postural / spinal screening consists of a full scrutiny of your posture while standing.

Attention is given to the spine, the way each vertebrae moves in relation to one another and in all planes of motion.

Greater emphasis  is also given to two of the most important articulations in the body: the sacro-iliac joints. These are clinically important as they often are the origin of disabling low back pain resulting in visits to GPs. A chiropractor is able to visualize/palpate areas of restrictions.

Book now (no treatment will be given).

The consultation starts the moment you walk in to the clinic by observing your walking stance, standing and sitting posture.

It is followed by a thorough medical history and a physical examination. You will never be asked to expose intimate areas however, you may be asked to remove some of your clothes. If the chiropractor is not convinced of the finding during various tests, they may refer you to your GP to obtain further investigative imaging.

Treatments are gentle and specific, mostly, to spinal joints. The whole session should not take longer than 40mins.

You will be asked to return for a follow up visit.

Chiropractic Treatment

Musculoskeletal Sonography

Ultrasound (US) or sonography involves the sending of sound waves through a body part. The emitted sound waves will hit anatomical structures and will be reflected (bounced) back where they are received by special sensors. These ‘reflections’ will be interpreted by special instruments that create an image of the anatomic parts in a screen, similar to that of a computer.

MSKUS is quickly performed by a knowledgeable practitioner and offers excellent visualization of soft tissues and has many other advantages such as instantaneous side-to-side comparison, no radiations involved, inexpensive (compared to MRI and/or CT scan), easily available on site.

Common conditions evaluated are: tendon/muscle injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, joint effusion, soft tissue masses, synovial thickening, intra-articular bodies. However, it offers poor visualization of bones.

It consists in the ability to reach the level of dysfunctional muscle tissues by use of different techniques, with the purpose to facilitate and speed one’s healing properties.

It is often recommended and proven effective for:

anyone who experiences consistent pain, –

athletes, –

injured individuals –

Because of the deep level therapy, it is not uncommon for some patients to experience mild muscle ache for a day or two after the treatment. it is important to inform the practitioner of any post-treatment reactions.

Most common used techniques are: deep cross friction, trigger point therapy, muscle stripping and passive isometric stretch.

Sport Injury / Deep Tissue

Rehabilitation Programme

After an injury such as sprain o strain, rehabilitation is certainly a key factor to full return of functions and activities.

Lack of rehabilitation could delay return to normal functions for months. For instance, a very common problem during an injury is “immobilization”. This leads to muscle atrophy and stiff joints. It has been showed that moving as soon as possible not only speed up recovery but also avoid loss of functions.

Typically, after a sprain injury,  a rehab programme is composed of gentle stretching and muscle strengthening exercises.

Diet can have, and often has, an effect on one’s health. Food is what the body cells use, and need, to survive and replicate. Essentially, food equals life.

The number of conditions resulting from poor diet varies and is quite extensive. Some examples are:

deficiency diseases such as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), –

life-threatening conditions such as obesity, –

metabolic syndromes such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, –

osteoporosis. –

Nutritious food such as fresh fruit and vegetables are excellent source of minerals and vitamins,. Drink plenty of water and stay away from fizzy drinks. Choose the right sources of carbs and unsaturated fats such as brown rice and omega-rich oils.

Dietary / Nutrition Advice

The clinic will be closed from Monday 06/01/25 to Saturday 11/01/25.

We apologize for any inconvenience.