
I had never herd of chiropractic before. A passenger on the ferry to Gozo told me about Nicolo and I paid him a visit the day after, as my lower back was making my life miserable. I could not even walk normally and was limping noticeably.

When I met Nicolo, I called him ‘back guru’ as I coulnd’t even remember the word chiropractic.

The first visit was the longest. I was very skeptical and full of questions.Nicolo was great and calm. He answered all my questions with simple language and reassured me at every response. He helped me understanding the reason of my low back pain and the structures involved.

Eventually, I decided to let him treat me.

After the first visit, I noticed mild improvement but it was starting to hurt again just on the day of the second appointment. At the second visit, I was still not 100% confident with “this guys” but Nicolocalmed me down and explained that perhaps one or two more treatments were necessary to see long-lasting improvmeents. So, I let him treat me again and after that second treatment I was shocked how better my back felt. I could walk normally again, without a limp and with no pain.

I managed to see Nicolo three more times before the end of my holiday and i was smuiling all the way; feeling great.

I promised myself that i will use chiropractic care regularly to keep my back, joints and muscles lose and subtle.

Mrs B. Switzerland

I would like you to know that I would highly recommend you to anyone. You are extremely professional, thorough and honest.

Miss K. Ireland

I have had neck pain for months and visited many doctors and specialists who only told me it was caused by muscular stress. I was offered lots of medications but nothing seemed to help. At one point, my neck pain was so bad that I could not sleep anymore or without waking up several times during the night because of the pain.

A friend suggested to visit Nicolo and so I did.

At first I was scared and skeptical but in the end I decided that I had nothing to lose and I was desperate.

At the first neck adjustment I cried and yelled because I thought of ending up in more pain but, when I went to be that night, i slept like a baby.

I could not believe it!

After weeks of sleepless nights, I could sleep again, pain free and in the morning my neck felt like nothing had ever happened. I could more it without any discomfort. I phoned Nicolo after 2 days, (I think it was at 6am) almost crying, thanking him for the “miracle” he had done on me.

I visited him four time again, at the Gozo clinic and my neck was absolutely great. No pain and no stiffness.

I promised Nicolo, and myself, to keep visiting him regularly throughout the years and to adopt a new lifestyle, with more exercises and a better diet.

Dr Orlando, you literally saved me from a life of pain and i wish I had come to you first.

Grazzji afna

Mrs C. Gozo

The comments with mismatching dates are the, retrieved, original patients' feedback before the site was hacked.


  • Monika Beluci

    I can’t thank Dr. Ncolo Orlando enough for the incredible care I received in Malta&Gozo Chrioprator Clinic. After two weeks of being unable to stand due to a fall on a boat, I was amazed that within just five minutes of treatment, I was up and moving again. His professionalism, punctuality, and kindness made all the difference during such a difficult time. I also took his nutrition advice seriously, and I’m already seeing visible changes. He is truly a person you can trust. I will definitely continue regular visits for preventive treatments. Highly recommend!

    • admin

      Dear Monika,
      it was a pleasure to meet you and to be able to help you with your sever lower back pain.
      I am always available should you need further treatments.
      Thank you.

  • Eve Mompalao

    I Would Highly Recommend Dr. Nicolo Orlando! This is my Experience. I have been suffering from shoulder pain for these last 8 years. Tried to cure myself with medicine, massage, physiotherapy, but nothing helped to take away my chronic pain! Around a year ago, I went to visit Dr. Orlando, and he calmly heard my case. Professionally, he explained how l should take care of myself by good postures, healthy food and exercise. After his first Natural treatment, I already was feeling much better! After a week l had another session, and with the second treatment my shoulder pain gradually started to decrease! Fifteen days later, after my last visit to Dr. Orlando, all the pain I had for the last 7 whole years stopped immediately!!!! Thank You so Much Dr. Orlando for your Chiropractic Treatment. It is Miraculous!!\r\nI definitely recommend you to others and I am defenitely going to book another session in the upcoming months as your treatments are the BEST! MIRACLES

  • Stuart

    I had several months of back and groin pain and was only prescribed painkillers by my doctor. After a very painful and debilitating episode I made appointment with Nicolo, with low or no expectations, to be honest. I walked out of there a different person. The difference in just half an hour was amazing. I do the exercises he recommended and the changes in behaviour he thought necessary and I’m pain free. I had a follow up and treatment and I’m pretty much done! No weekly appointments or dragged out treatments. If I get another problem Nicolo is on speed dial!

  • Nathan Spiteri

    Dr Orlando, I want to thank you very much for treating my dizziness & headaches. After the first visit there was already a notable improvement. It was my first time going to a chiropractor but I can vouch for it. I highly recommend him and keep up the good work. Thanks & Regards, Nathan

  • Mario Scicluna

    Thank you Nicolo for your excellent service. I suffer from chronic back pain and always feel brand new and relieved after a session. All back suffers should try Nicolo instead of going straight to the meds.

  • gina Aydonopoulos

    Dr. Orlando, From the first visit I noticed a difference in my posture and my ever present lower back pain. Doing the simple exercises you gave me just feels right. I know I have a serious muscle problem, which I’m sure you will help very much with. Thank you again, and although there was some pain involved, I’m looking forward to our second session!

  • Friedrich Trawoeger

    For some long time I was suffering from some severe pain in my neck and shoulder limiting my ability to turn my head or move my shoulder and arm. With the support from Nicolo and this only after two treatments almost all pain is gone and I can move my head and arm absolutely freely. Not only did Nicolo help with his direct treatment but on top he provided great advice about some daily routine to follow for me to avoid any future problems. I can highly recommend Nicolo to anyone suffering from similar issues.

    • admin

      Dear Friedrich,
      it was a pleasure to be able to help with your neck condition.
      Thank you for your kind comment.

  • Nihan

    Dear Dr. Orlando, Thanks very much for your treatment. Two weeks ago, my neck was very bad. I couldn’t sleep well and I felt tired. In addition to this, I had pins and needles and unmanageable neck/shoulder pain. After the first session, all my complaints finished, pins and needles are disappeared. I can sleep well and move however I prefer. Then, after the second session, I feel myself refreshed, more energetic and more healthy. And I strongly recommend Dr. Orlando to my family, friends and anybody who has neck/shoulder/back pain. Best Regards, NA.

    • admin

      Dear Nihan,
      thank you for your kind words. It was a pleasure toy help you with your condition.

  • Ruben

    Been suffering from back pain for quite a while. After the first session with Dr Orlando I immediately started to feel better ! His healthy, natural tips worked so much better than the pills I had been taking: it’s incredible ! Thank you Dr Orlando ! Ruben

  • Mario Borg

    Dear Nicolo, The pain on my lower back was so intense that I couldn’t put on my socks. From the first appointment the relief was great and I felt ten years younger. After the second appointment the pain has all gone and I’m trying to keep stretching and taking supplements to maintain the current good health of my spine. Thank You. Mario Borg Malta

  • Toni

    Nessun dolore dopo il trattamento, anzi, un piacevole senso di scioltezza.\r\nSono ormai tre mattine consecutive che mi sveglio senza avere la solita, vecchia, sensazione di dolore nel gluteo destro: una meraviglia! Dormo bene e, pur continuando ad indossare prudenzialmente il tutore, non ho avuto piU i soliti disturbi alla mano sinistra, precedentemente imputati al tunnel carpale. Ho tolto, come suggerivi, la soletta dalla scarpa destra e, dopo un pomeriggio di assestamento durante il quale il dolore sembrava essersi spostato dal gluteo destro al fianco postriore destro (zona bacino), ora mi sembra di avere meno fastidi camminando. Vedremo nel tempo: ti faro’ sapere. Continuero’ a fare gli esercizi di stretching e di postura come mi hai insegnato e, spero presto, appena tornerò a Malta tornerò ad incontrarti. Concludo ringraziandoti e augurandoti ogni bene. Ciao

  • Valentine

    Nicolo Orlando is one of the best chiropractors that my wife and I have come across in our long lives. We are originally from UK but now resident on Gozo and are delighted that Nicolo has been available to us there. He has treated both of us, particularly my wife for a very painful back condition quite recently. I am happy to say that, after just two recent session with Nicolo this recent acute problem of my wife’s appears to have improved to the point where it has almost disappeared. Also, I met a young lady on Gozo in some distress a few days ago. Her friend had hurt his back and was in great pain and unable to move. I was happy that I could recommend Nicolo, who was able to treat this young man shortly afterwards, affecting an almost complete recovery. I strongly recommend anyone with any kind of back pain or problem to straight away consult with Nicolo Orlando at the Malta and Gozo Chiropractic Clinic.

    • admin

      Dear Valentine,
      it was a pleasure to meet you and help your wife with her back pain. I was more intrigued about your advice on my vocal adjustment issue.
      I will definitely follow it up and practice more.
      Thank you.

  • Sarah Farrugia

    I would highly recommend Nicolo to anyone. I had shoulder pain for almost 6 months and he helped heal it in just two sessions. One month later and I am still pain free. Will surely be back to the clinic for adjustments regularly

  • Jessica Zammit

    Nicolo thankyou so much for your treatment as now i know what my problem is with my elbows and how i treat it to relief it from my daily stress due to work. Thankyou for giving me the knowledge about the nerves that constanyly im in pain! i work so much hard that only in your hands i can asure myself that i will be pain free with my back and neck! I highly recommend you with everyone that tells me they are in pain! Very professional and you know what your doing! Many doctors should be like you! Thankyou once again! Jessica Z

  • Keith Bray

    2 sessions with Nicolo and my neck is feeling like new, headache a thing of the past, my posture much improved. 46 years of being sat/slouched over a desk take their toll on you without realizing it, Nicolo why didn’t I know you years ago. Yes treatment is not gentle, but not that painful really, as the saying goes ” No pain no gain”, Can’t thank you enough, genuinely feel a new pain free person

  • Margaret

    Hi Nicolo….im Margaret Bonello…I like to thank you for changing my life…i enjoyed summer with no pain. Thanks for your treatments you gave me.You were great…..Thank you…..Margaret Bonello.

  • Mrs. T. Gozo

    I Would Highly Recommend Dr. Nicolo Orlando! This is my Experience. I have been suffering from shoulder pain for these last 7 months. Tried to cure myself with medicine, massage, physiotherapy, but nothing helped to take away my chronic pain! Around a month ago, I went to visit Dr. Orlando, and he calmly heard my case. Professionally, he explained how l should take care of myself by good postures, healthy food and exercise. After his first Natural treatment, I already was feeling much better! After a week l had another session, and with the second treatment my shoulder pain gradually started to decrease! Fifteen days later, after my last visit to Dr. Orlando, all the pain I had for the last 7 whole months stopped!! Thank You so Much Dr. Orlando for your Chiropractic Treatment. It is Miraculous!! I am defenitely going to book another session in the upcoming months as your treatments are the BEST! MIRACLES DO HAPPEN

  • maria xuereb

    Hi Nicolo, Just wanted to say a big thank you,as i am pain free finaly, my shoulder no longer hurts.Not only that with two sessions its like you gave me new bones as i never felt better in fact i feel 10 years younger,glad i saw your leaflet in the pharmacy and decided to see you. Will definitly keep my appontiment once a year. THANK YOU.

  • Maureen Anne Camilleri

    Dear Nicolo, Thank you so much for the chiropractic treatment for my frequent recurring migraines. For years on end I have depended on anti inflammatory drugs which did not deal with my terrible migraines but made me feel worse. I have always suffered from one sided pain mainly in my shoulders, neck and eye area. I came to you as a last resort- to try something else in the hope of getting better. After my first treatment I felt a difference and within 3 weeks my shoulders and neck are so much better. I feel the muscle tension and spasm has gone. My posture improved, and what matters most I have experienced migraine free weeks for the first time in years! Only someone who suffers from migraines can actually understand the difference! A huge thank you. I am so glad I came to see you. Maureen

    • admin

      Hi Maureen,
      it was a pleasure to meet you and to be able to help you with your migraine and neck pain.
      I will always be available should you need any further spinal advice.

  • Roderick

    I am a 39 years old average male with two slipped discs and chronic back pain. Earlier this month I woke up with severe back pain, my GP prescribed painkillers for 6 months until a back specialist would see me and send me for yet another MRI. Upon recommendations, I called Nicolo and asked him to see me on that same day due to the immense pain I was in, which he did. I dragged myself into Nicolo’s clinic in pain and depressed knowing that this pain normally takes months to ease. Three weeks/four appointment later, I’m seeing myself out of Nicolo’s clinic, walking normally and with no pain whatsoever. He did chiropractic magic on me, but also gave me exercises and stretches and other very valuable tips (i.e. how to sit!) so that he doesn’t see me again. I’ll obviously keep going for regular adjustments… Thank you! Roderick

  • Josephh

    Nicolo, Thanks for your great service. What so many gels, painkillers, muscle relaxants and gp visits could not do, you fixed in three sessions. Just wish I knew what a chiropractor did earlier. Keep it up and stay funny, you crack me up.

    • admin

      Hi Joseph,
      thank you for your kind comment.
      It was a pleasure to meet you and have a good laugh while treating you.
      I will be available any time.

  • Michelle Vella

    Dear Nicolo, I know that I have thanked you after todays last treatment but I have to again. You have given me total pain free days in these last two months whereas before I was suffering from terrible migraines and shoulder pain that even the thought of laying in bed scared me knowing that I would wake up with the same problem. I\’ve tried back and Indian head massages but that only felt good at the time! I had my very first appointment with you back in October 2014 for the same reason and though you recommended me a last visit I refused as I was feeling comfortable then. But a year later the problem returned and I had to come back and start again (sometimes i can be so stubborn). This time I promised myself to listen & \r\nOnly three visits with you was needed and though you said that hopefully l won’t be needing to come back, from here I’m letting you know that in 3-4 months I shall be coming for realignment cause I have no intention to turn back to pain killers again! I would also recommend everyone suffering in pain to give this man a try, promise that you will not regret it. And not all people are professionals so be careful! A very big Thank you Nicolo. Michelle V.

    • admin

      Dear Michelle,
      it was a pleasure to meet you and be able to help you with your headaches.
      I will always be available should you need further assistance.

  • rebecca howes

    2016-03-08 17
    Dear Nicolo, Thank you, arrived with lower back pain and after 2 sessions 100% pain free. You are obviously very knowledgeable in what you do and will highly recommend you to family and friends. Thanks again. Kindest regards Becca

  • Romina

    Would like to highly recommend Dr Nicolo. This is my experience. I have been suffering from severe pain in my lower back since last May. Could not walk for several days due to the pain. After two months of acute pain, I did an Mri and discovered that I suffer from L5/S1 slipped disc. After five months on several pain killers and muscle relaxer pills, I was given two steroid injections, one in the spine and the other one in the piriformis muscle. Pain reduced, but still not totally. Still could not sit down for a stretch of time. Two months ago, someone recommended Dr Nicolo. I phoned him and made an appointment. After the first session, I felt much better and noticed that I could sit for a longer stretch of time. Attended three sessions in all. Will surely visit again in three months time for readjusting. Thanks Dr Nicolo.

    • admin

      Dear Romina,
      thank you for your kind and honest comment.
      I will be available should you need any future spinal care.

  • Manali

    A week ago I suffered an unpleasant neck and back pain. Found Nocolo on the net and my painful problems were resolved with only one session. Many thanks Nicolo. Will definitely recommend you to my friends. My best, Manali

  • Clint Micallef

    Dr. Orlando I want to thank you for your treatment. I am really satisfied with your service. My neck & shoulder pain are much better. Thanks again 🙂 Best regards, Clint


    Mr. Nicolo, we would like to thank you for the professional treatment you performed on my brother Josef Said. He suffered from a numb toe and complained about it everyday but after your first treatment he made big improvements. We have took him to several surgeons before but nobody found a solution for it. It was really a blessing to get to know about you. Thanks and well done. Regards Geraldine

    • admin

      Dear Geraldine,
      Thank you for your kind words. it was a pleasure to meet you and, to help your brother.

  • Dennis

    I didnt know much about chiropractic and I didnt believe much in natural remedees.But my wife told me about all this and I decided to give it a try.After asking, some friends referred us to Dr Nicolo.I was suffering from lower back pain for quite some time and swallowed the usual pain killers for nothing. Dr Nicolo was the solution. After only three sessions I felt much better, almost fit. He is highly professional and skilled, capable of listening, no rush at all and offers natural healing with no need of medicine cocktails. I highly recomend Dr Nicolo, thankyou so much I will surely keep in touch to stay feeling fit. Dennis

    • admin

      Hi Dennis,
      thank you for your kind words. I will always be available should you need any help with your spinal joints alignment.

  • Jean Paul St John

    I suffered from back pain for years… doctors and physiotherapists didn’t help. Then my wife suggested to pay a visit to Nicolo. After carefully examining my situation, Nicolo was able to cure me after three chiropractic session. I regained my life and youth back.
    I highly recommend Nicolo to all those who lost hope of ever feeling good and health again.
    Thanks Nicolo.

    • admin

      Dear Jean Paul,
      firstly, I would like to thank you for your kind comment. It was a pleasure to help you.
      I will always be at your service should you need any further assistance tuning your back.
      Keep it straight.

  • Adrian Pisani

    Hi Mr. Orlando, I would like to cancel the Thursday 8.30 appointment as I am feeling very well. It seems that you did the trick.
    Thank you for your help and guidance.
    Regards Adrian

    • admin

      Hi Adrian,
      It was a pleasure. Feel free to call anytime should you wish/need our services.

  • Betty Berry

    On the recommendation of friends I went to see Nicolo Orlando with severe low back pain; I had reached the point where I could not stand up on getting out of bed in the morning. My initial appointment with Nicolo filled me with confidence to proceed further, as he was very particular in checking my complete medical history. With each appointment the treatment he gave improved my mobility and reduced my pain markedly. After 4 treatments Nicolo said that I was so much improved he suggested that I have no further sessions with him, but instead I have massage on my very stiff muscles. I then started massage with a great masseuse that he particularly recommended and who was extremely competent. I can heartily recommend Nicolo, both for the successful treatment given and for not asking to attend for further treatments, which he felt weren’t needed – I was so impressed with his honest and honourable treatment of a client. Oh, and he is a really nice easy-to-talk-to person too!

  • Romina Galea

    I had visited a Chiropractic before and the result was very good.
    This year I heard of Dr. Nicolo and went for treatment. I am very satisfied with the service, since he is very helpful, giving you as much time as required and only gives you another appointment, if needed. This is a lack from normal physio, because they try to take as much money as possible. Any problems you may encounter, he is reachable in a matter of minutes and he will always be there to help.
    Thank you so much because I feel like a million bucks 🙂 HIGHLY recommended!

  • Justine Farrugia Preca

    Dear Nicolo, Thanks for the great service! I was initially very sceptical over chiropractic help for my lower back / hip pain. I tried it as a last resort. I wish I had tried it before! I have been pain free ever since my treatment. I strongly recommend your services! regards and thanks. Justine

    • admin

      Hi Justine,
      I would like to thank you for your kind and valued comment. I will try all I can to convince the Government about the chiropractic effectiveness so that more availability and ease of access to chiropractic may be offered to those patients suffering from acute and/or chronic low back pain. I am currently conducting a survey which shall indicate Patient’s Satisfaction with chiropractic care in Malta. This would show, on a national scale, what the general perception and basic knowledge is of chiropractic care. The results will hopefully be passed to the population through an article in the National newspaper as well as published on Scientific and Medical Databases.
      I would like to thank you again and remind you that we will always be at your service should you need further help.

  • Mikel Gorospe

    I went to Nicolo after have been suffering from an injury in my ankle and back pain for around 6 months. What surprised me more was his balance between his chiropractor treatments and easy&healthy life tips.
    In 2 sessions, my ankle was much better, result of the alignment of it and the exercises he recommended me to do. My back, is even better, feeling after the appointment as if no pain or stress was ever on it, but at the same time he asked me to do some exercises I barely do because of the rhythm of life, but I know that if i keep doing them, my back will be 100% better than now, as is mostly a way of sitting, walk and relaxing.
    I will be coming to Nicolo every month, and truly recommend him to anyone that is in need of any treatment for bones, back, pain, sport injuries, etc. Thanks Nicolo.

    • admin

      Dear Mikel,
      it was a pleasure to meet you and help you with your injury. Keep up with the good active lifestyle and regular exercises.
      I will be available, should you wish/need further care.

  • Neil debono

    Dear Nicolo , I would like to 10q for your treatment. My back, neck and even my shoulders feel better. I’m very satisfied and feeling very good!

    • admin

      Hi Neil,
      Thank you for your kind comments.
      I’m glad that I was able to help and, I’m very happy that you feel good.
      Please, feel free to call us anytime you wish/need.

  • Victoria

    Dear dr Nicolo, I Just want to thank you for the treatment you did on my low back pain, I waited this long to thank you because I couldn’t believe that after 3 weeks from treatment pain would not come back but I am still going strong. I recommend you to all who are in pain, there is nothing to lose but feeling great without medicine which I use to take For so long without any help at all. Thanks. Regards Victoria Caruana

    • admin

      Dear Victoria,
      thank you for your kind comment. You are most welcome and hope that you will keep being active and pain free. We are always happy to hear satisfied patients enjoying the benefits of chiropractic care.

  • Frank Buhagiar

    Nicolo, I have been treated by Chiropractors before and always felt great afterwards. The service that I got from you, Nicolo , is/was second to none. You showed great expertise in your profession, were very thorough with your examination and had excellent results in your treatment. I believe that Chiropractic education and treatments should be even offered in Hospitals.So many aches and pains could be rectified by a chiropractor. As a sport enthusiast I always visit my chiropractor to rectify and make little adjustments to my body.
    I would certainly recommend Dr Nicolo Orlando.
    Grazie Mille Nicolo.
    Frank Buhagiar

    • admin

      Dear Frank,
      It was a sincere pleasure to meet you. I am also glad that you found chiropractic care to be helpful for the treatment of your sport-related pain. I could not agree with you more when you say that modern chiropractic care should be available to every one suffering from various musculoskeletal dysfunctions, in fact, it has been proved through high quality scientific research, that chiropractic is more effective and safer than traditional medicine to treat conditions of musculoskeletal origins including low back pain.
      I wish you the best of health.

  • Lourdes Cutajar

    Dear Dr Nicolo Orlando
    I would like to thank you so much on my husband’s behalf for the great and effective treatment you have given him. My husband has been suffering from serious back problems and pain for may years now. After only two treatments he feels much better and is now even much more flexible where before he couldn’t even bend over. The valuable exercises you have taught him are also helping him a lot.
    Most of all I would like to thank you for your honest and professional advice given with such dedication. We would definitely recommend you to our family and friends.
    Kind Regards

    • admin

      Dear Mrs Cutajar,
      thank you for your comment. It was a pleasure to meet you both and, I am glad that your husband has returned to a healthy lifestyle. It has been proved in Europe, and also worldwide, that chiropractic care is an effective and safe profession concerned with the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions such as low back and neck pain.
      These conditions often leads to detrimental lifestyle and depression. Speaking on behalf of the chiropractic profession in Malta, I really hope that soon there will be a change in the Maltese Health System where patients suffering from such conditions will be allowed to access chiropractic care more readily.
      I will be available any/every time, should you need further advise on how to carry out a healthy routine.

  • Darius Goodwin

    Dear Nicolo, As a keen Sportsman, having a back issue worried me. After my first visit to you, you seemed confident of how to tackle and treat the problem. I left your clinic feeling alot better and started the exercises you gave me. For my second visit, you carried out a few more corrections and were happy with everything. The following day I gave my back quite a work out and am happy that all is good. I will continue the exercises and will try not to abuse my back again, which was probably what caused the initial problem! I hope not to see you again, but mean this in a good way.
    Thanks again Nicolo.

    • admin

      Dear Darius,
      Thank you for your comment. I am glad that I was able to help resolving your low back pain, so that you may continue being active. I will always be available for suggestions and help with your training and low back performance. keep up the good work.

  • Christine Gooch

    As a regular English visitor to (hilly) Gozo, the last thing I wanted was the return of my intermittent back pain to spoil my time here. Dr Orlando was recommended to me by an English acquaintance. The treatment was excellent and after just one session I felt so much better. A shorter follow up session was all I needed. Additionally, Dr Orlando addressed issues such as posture, food supplements (old age) and exercises. I can thoroughly recommend his professional treatment and care and I will crtainly use him again for check ups.
    Mrs G

    • admin

      Dear Mrs Gooch,
      it was a pleasure to meet you and help you with your low back pain. Very shortly the Malta Chiropractic Association will launch its new website loaded with information, that Maltese residents may freely access, concerning chiropractic updates, effective exercises to manage and/or prevent low back pain, and other useful clarifications on chiropractic in Malta and Europe.
      I would like to thank you for your kind comments and wish you a healthy end-of-the-year.


    I should like to thank Dr Orlando for curing my recent bout of back pain and stiffness with two clicks to the spine. Very successful treatment. Will continue to have follow up sessions on a regular basis. DR Orlando very kindly sees me in his home winch makes things much easier for me, as I do not have to travel long distances.

    • admin

      Dear Robert,
      thank you for your kind comment. I am glad that I have helped you with your low back pain. I will always be available should you need further spinal care.

  • Mary Bonello

    I would like to let you know that, I have cancelled the second appointment regarding feedback on the back pain you fixed so well because I am feeling much better. I have done everything you have asked me to do and these exercises, plus a pilates routine, have helped me a lot. I have all your contact details should I ever need your help again i will not hesitate to make an appointment. Thank you.

    • admin

      Hi Ms Bonello,
      Firstly, I would like to thank you for your kindness. I am glad that you have found chiropractic care helpful to ease your back pain.
      I will be always available at Malta&Gozo Chiropractic.

  • Gabriella Levermann

    Hello, I live in Malta for one year now. I took long time to find a good osteopath / chiropractor. I have sometimes pain in my leg or in my back. The best i could do is to go to an osteopath or chiropractor. They help me to fix the problem and I dont have to buy and take any medicine. I find it is very helpful and i recommend to everyone to try it!!
    Regards, Gabriella

  • Edward Zammit Briffa

    I have suffered for many years from back and neck problems. The treatment I was recommended was rest, pain killers and deep heat. As the pain did not really subside, I tried Chinese massage but again with very little improvement. Finally I tried chiropractic treatment and within a couple of days I was back to normal. I have been to my chiropractor ever since. Since I suffer from a degenertive spine, I need chiropractic treatment almost every year. I usually go to Dr. Russ at Remedies Pharmacy but now Dr. Nicolo is standing in for him. They are both excellent and highly qualified, experienced chiropractors and I have full confidence in their treatment.

    • admin

      Dear Edward,
      I am pleased that you have found relief for your neck pain by using chiropractic. I wish you the best of health and hope that you will keep up with good effective therapy every time you need it, by visiting a qualified chiropractor.

  • Rachel Zammit Cutajar

    I have been suffering from low back pain for over two years. An X-ray showed no signs of anything wrong and the orthopaedic specialist said that there was nothing to be done and that I would just have to live with the pain. As an horse-rider and fitness junkie, this was not an option so I spent two years trying every alternative therapy available, no matter how hocus pocus I believed them to be. Acupuncture, massage therapy, physio, yoga – none of these provided very much relief. As I last resort I went to see a chiropractor with some reluctance. When I was much younger I had been to see a chiropractor who did some damage to my neck. I later found out that she gained her qualifications online and eventually left the island after causing more damage to other patients. This time round I found the relief I was looking for.
    During the initial exam, the chiropractor seemed to know exactly what was wrong – distortion of the pelvis. This was the first time I understood where the pain was coming from and found out that it can be managed. After the first session I already felt better and after a few sessions I feel almost pain-free, not only in my back, but all over. As a thirty something athlete, who has spent the best part of twenty years falling off horses, I get plenty of pains from old injuries as well as strains from overwork. While I was under the impression that chiropractic deals with only bone alignment, the right chiropractor is also knowledgeable in soft tissue damage and can also treat problems there.
    I now recommend Nicolo Orlando to all my athlete friends who are in any sort of pain. When choosing a chiropractor it is of vital importance to check their qualifications. Whilst the right chiropractor with the right training can provide a world of good, a person with insufficient training can cause a lot more damage and there are plenty of those out there.

    • admin

      Hello Rachel,
      firstly, I would like to thank you for your kind and, most of all, motivating words. As a qualified Doctor of chiropractic (DC), I have to confront reluctance and skepticism, if not fooling, from both patients and professionals on a daily basis, for those reasons that you mentioned. From June 2013, with the establishment of the first Maltese Chiropractic Association, there will be more available information with regard to recognized/acceptable qualifications, training standards, online advice of how to choose an ethical chiropractor, back health tips, contact details of those qualified therapists, and more.
      I would like the Maltese public to have safe access to spinal manipulation which research has showed to be more effective and safer than traditional medication to treat back pain caused my musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Keep on being a very active person and take care of your back. I am always available should you wish/need to visit our clinic.

  • Steven Marinelli

    Dear Nicolo, Thank you for the help with my neck pain. The treatment and routine you recommended, in particular the daily swimming was extremely effective. I now feel much better.
    Best regards,
    Steven Marinelli

    • admin

      Hi Steven, it was a pleasure to meet you and help you with your neck and back pain. Keep up with the good health habits. Regards

  • Mario Cauchi

    Mr Orlando, Well done on setting up the association. This is a good step in the right direction to achieving the much deserved official recognition. Surely, this is just the beginning but it is a pleasure to realize that some people notice and recognize the effort made by chiropractic for/to the community. Keep up the good work. See you soon. Mario Cauchi

    • admin

      Dear Mr Cauchi,
      as always, your words of encouragement deserve appreciation and awe.
      Nicolo Orlando

  • Chloe Portelli

    Hi Dr. Nicolo,
    I want to thank you very much for the excellent treatment you have given me. You recognised my back problem immediatley and by the end of my first appointment I had already felt the difference. In addition, you gave me very beneficial information on how to take care of myself better.
    Nowadays I don’t feel any type of pain and I will surely return to the clinic every now and then for a check up.

    • admin

      Dear Chloe,
      thank you for your kind comment. It was a pleasure to meet you and I am happy that, together, we were able to manage your back pain. We will always be available for any health advice that you may need. Stay active and healthy.

  • mariella grech

    Hi mr nicolo I would like to thank you very much with the great job you’ve done with my lower back was years that I had this problem and thanks to you I feel wonderful. If I hear someone say that has a pain somewhere I definitly I’ll will give him your number.
    thank you very much and god bless you for the job you do.
    Very satisfied client, mariella grech.

    • admin

      Hi Mariella,
      I am glad that you found chiropractic therapy to be effective for your low back pain. At Malta & Gozo Chiropractic, we will always be happy to help you, should you need health advice. Thank you for your kind comment.

  • Sarah Magro

    Dear Dr.Nicolo Orlando ,
    I Would like to thank you so much for the outstanding and effective treatment that you have given me so that my severe headaches could go away. Ever since my headaches appeared , my life completely changed , I couldn’t even sleep properly and headaches would sometimes last for even 3 days straight. Due to this , I Became completely dependent on pills which by time became a problem as well because when you get used to them , they would no longer work. Thanks to your treatment I am now pain free just after 3 sessions with you and the pain has not returned ever since.
    I highly recommend Dr. Orlando for he is one fine chiropractor and truly does everything he can to make you feel better.
    Thanks again 🙂 Sarah

    • admin

      Hi Sarah,
      Thank you for your kind comment. I’m so glad that I managed to help you relieving your headache. It was obvious that your lifestyle had been affected by it and the dependance to ineffective painkiller tablets was detrimental with the only outcome of adding more frustrations. You should also take credits for following my advice on stretches and posture, so I guess that we both did it together. Wish the best of health and pain free life.

  • Guy Gilberts

    Dr. Orando you truely are one of the best chiropractors I have ever had the pleasure of meeting! Not only did you work with my back but you educated me on what I could do in the future to increase my health. I felt very safe in your hands and was amazed at how you “read” my level of pain even before I said anything. Being a “tough John Wayne\” type of guy often means that I suffer more that I need to do, however your skill and knowledge allowed you to anticipate the pain and you then used an alternate means to address the problem.
    Thank you again and I will definately come back to you when I need you help.

    • admin

      Dear Dr Gilbert,
      Thank you for your kind comments. It was a pleasure to meet you and I’m glad that you found ‘modern’ chiropractic care effective for your low back pain. I will definitely be happy to help you, should you need any assistance in the future.
      Wishing you the best of wellness.

  • Djordje Mitic

    I feel very lucky to have met and been treated by Nicolo. It was my first visit to a chiropractor and it took Nicolo only one treatment to greatly reduce my chronic mid-back pain and at the same time improve my range of movements. For the first time in a long time I can sit with a straight back with literally no pain and enjoy a pain-free sleep. As a computer programmer I’m being tied to a chair 10+ hours a day. Years of work have made heavy impact on my posture, curving my back and shoulders, reducing radius of movement finally developing a condition which resulted in constant chronic pain in my middle & lower back. I was even diagnosed a herniated disc (S5-L1). It is amazing what Nicolo did for me in only one treatment. It was a completely pain free treatment concentrating on my neck and mid-back and did not affect my herniated disc in any way. Regretfully I did not made it to a follow up visit wit Nicolo, but I made a promise to myself to exercise regularly and take every opportunity to visit professional chiropractors whenever I can.
    Thank you Nicolo, me and my back are eternally grateful 🙂

  • Pauline Grima

    I had been suffering from neck/shoulder pain going down to my lower back. I had been to several doctors and physiotherapists and was prescribed everything from anti inflammatory pills to several back exercises. Then I heard about Nicolo through a pharmacist friend of mine.
    After carefully examining my situation, Nicolo was able to cure me after one chiropractic session. I walked out from the clinic pain free and my pain has not returned and it has been over two years.
    I highly recommend Nicolo to all my family and friends

    • admin

      Hello Pauline, and thank you for your kind words. We always wish you the best of health. Regards

  • Swantje Klotz

    Dear Nicolo, I would like to thank you for your great treatment of last week and the week before. When I came to you I had problems walking properly and sitting without been in pain on my low back. I also have had constant neck and shoulder pain. After you treatments I am pain free both when I walk and/or sit; you have also showed me some very valuable exercises how to improve my posture to avoid my back and neck problems in the long term. I will try to do them every day now 🙂 I am also able to follow my yoga lessons again thanks to you so I am really happy! Even though I don’t hope that I will have to come back for a treatment soon, I would sure feel in very good hands if I had to.
    Thanks again!
    Kind regards,

    • admin

      Dear Swantje,
      I am glad that you are satisfied with the spinal care you received at Malta&Gozo Chiropractic. With exercises and regular physical activity, I am sure that you will manage to stay healthy and avoid unnecessary days with pain. Wish you the best of health.

  • Kriatina Tainton Sahlén

    Nicolo Orlando, I want to thank you so much for the fantastic treatment you have given me. My hip was given me a lot of trouble before I came to you,I could hardly turn in bed nighttime because of pain I never slept the whole night trough I was tired, my hip was always hurting me.Since I started your treatment I sleep well I can turn how ever I like in bed I ran up and down the stairs without any pain what so ever. You are my miracle man!
    Thank you so much I feel safe in your hands.
    I want to thank you too on my husbans behalf that you immediately saw what was wrong with his knee you acted so fast he got the right treatment and you saved his knee.
    Yours faithfully, Kristina Tainton-Sahlén

    • admin

      Dear Mrs Tainton-Sahlen,
      I’d like to thank you for your kind words. It has been a pleasure to assist you, and your husband, to receive the most effective and prompt care for your condition. I wish you the best of health and remind you that I will always be glad to help in any way I can. Regards.

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